The controversy which has covered AMU over portrait of Mohammed Ali Jinnah

As you all must be aware by now that
a portrait of Mohammed Ali Jinnah at the student union’s hall inside the Aligarh Muslim University campus has stirred up a controversy with Bharatiya Janata Party MP from Aligarh Satish Gautam writing to the Vice Chancellor demanding an explanation.
In his letter, the BJP leader asked him of the compulsion behind installing a photo of the man who had played a key role in the partition of India in 1947.

Interestingly, Satish Gautam himself said that he doesn’t know where the picture is displayed in the university but questioned why it is there.

Well! Then you must know that
the portrait of Jinnah was installed in 1938, much before partition and Jinnah was honoured with a life time membership of the student union before 1947 and his portrait is inside student union’s hall for that matter of the fact.

Preferring to avoid the controversy over Jinnah whether he was right or not (as I myself is still exploring it), there is one thing for sure I want to highlight that
yes, it is an established fact that if you want fame and want to be awarded with higher posts in the system then it is mandatory to comment and stir controversy which takes away the masses far away from your Vikas failure slogan and tenure.
To be honest, till today I didn’t know your name – Mr. Satish, but now you and your statement seems to be the talk of the town.

Last but not the least,
Jinnah’s portrait is just a portrait placed long before, but in reality if you are so concerned about partition then what about the partition the system itself is carrying out against its own citizens each and every other day?

Any concern for that?

Nay! Let’s talk again Jinnah, Pakistan and the portrait of it in Aligarh Muslim University and let’s not waste this golden opportunity to label them as “anti nationalists” in their spirits.

The awards will be big in it.


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