Alhamdulillah! Finally, as the truck got loaded, and we were on the verge of starting a new chapter in life soon, it felt like it was quite a reflective moment for me.
SubhanAllah! Was wondering how much we have collected and hoarded in two years even though we were on the mere basics only. yes we lived here (Ontario) for two years, and tried not to hoard stuff as we knew we have to move sooner or later but then too, it appeared as if it was quite a lot of belongings.
Alhamdulillah! We were supposed to go to British Columbia from the native place directly but
Allah Al-Hakeem (The Most Wise) had planned it in a way that we had to come to Ontario for few weeks for some due paper work, and it got delayed and got extended to an extent that we had to literally live in Ontario for two years. Alhamdulillah! Met amazing people, learned and unlearned a lot from them. Alhamdulillah.
Moving is good. Reminds us of the temporary nature of this life, and also acts as an inspiration of the beautiful Hadith, “Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a traveller.”
SubhanAllah! If we think a bit then we know, a traveller neither hoards nor falls in deep love with the material belongings on the journey. The traveller knows that the road itself is not the destination.
A smart traveller is the one who travels light.
Moving is good, you meet new people, you explore beautiful places on Allah’s beautiful ardh (earth). Moving keeps you on your toes, and you don’t become stagnant.
Moving reminds you that you too are on the move, moving toward Allah – Al-Baaqi (The Only One Who will remain forever), and like you every other thing is fa’ani (that will end) so the focus to please should always be Allah Al-Azeem.
Moving reminds that it is okay to own things which are necessary, but it is not okay that things should own us.
Moving enables to let go off the baggages that are no longer required, de-clutter things, donating stuff which is near to heart but heavy to carry. This goes for life as well, let go off the unnecessary baggages which we carry on our backs like past bitter experiences, grudges which causes the travelling tougher for a person in this journey of life.
Moving reminds you that the moment your plane takes off, and reaches the heights in the sky, then all the high rise buildings, the whole world looks nothing but tiny dots, it reminds that when you have bigger fishes to fry (great cause to work for), then you should look at world as nothing but dots.
Interestingly! As our’s was a provincial moving, we came by air before our household belongings (as it is coming by road). The life we are living right now with the bare minimum resources is also such a blessing, as it reminds to be grateful upon belongings which we took for granted. It also reminds how living on bare minimum resources is also a refreshing experience as it reminds again and again of the journey we are in toward our Rabb Allah Al-Khaaliq, The One Who creates us and to Whom is our final return.
May we meet Him, when He is well pleased with us.
On another note – Now, inshaAllah looking forward to His Mercy and rahmah in exploring beautiful places and people in the new province – British Columbia.
Jazak Allah Khair for this reflection amd lessons
Alhamdulillah. Barkallah feek.