Our Prophet Our Honour?
Our Prophet is greater than Our Honour!
They attack and defame him in the name of Freedom of speech
But little are they aware that Muhammed means The Praised One even in literal means.
Indeed he is the most Praised One above the heavens and on earth.
Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam is the most common salutation we send upon him every now and then.
We are Muslims, we submit to One God and are not polytheistic or atheist.
Submitting to one God is not followed by the blind following and is not an opium to rational thinking.
Rationale was the approach, reflecting well upon His signs was the way to seek Him.
He, The Almighty has honoured His last Prophet to an extent that our kalima is incomplete without Muhammed’s name.
Ignorant are they who abuse him and his honour in the name of Freedom of speech and expression.
The more they use this concept of Freedom, the more they expose their own Hypocrisy in best order.
On this blessed day of Friday, I beseech Him to make us all stand for His beloved’s honour.
The messenger was sent as rehmat lilaalaameen, mercy for all mankind, he was sent by a system to abolish all evil.
May our bosoms be lit with the same light he brought forward, may the love for his honour not just remain confined to mere words but they go further and farther in actions as well.
May we stand for His beloved’s honour, for His beloved’s mission in proper order.
May our love be so pure that we get the drink of Kausar assured.
Our Prophet Our Honour?
Our Prophet is Greater than Our Honour.
Peace and blessings be upon him.
Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam.