Alhamdulillah, our application Allah’s 99 names is now live on play store ❤️ You can click on the link to download the app which will inshaAllah strengthen the bond with Allah by knowing Him through His beautiful attributes. Alhamdulillah, this application is unique with its remarkable features, the reader can switch and change the theme into the dark or light mode. It has the facility to bookmark. The reader can change the font family and font size from the options available in the app. The application also provides a link to the two inspirational books and website own by the author of the explanation of Allah’s names. There is a push notification feature that will inform the readers instantly whenever there will be an update on the explanations added. The best part of the application is that it is developed and designed by the author’s thirteen-year-old son who has put enormous efforts into developing this application so that the explanation of the beautiful names of Allah can reach far and wide and can touch many hearts. We ask Allah, Who is Al Mujeeb, The Responder of duas and pleas to accept it in both the worlds in our favour. Ameen.