
SubhanAllah! Last night, we were in awe as we gazed upon the bright and beautiful star shining through our window, we confirmed through the Sky Guide app and it was one of the most luminous stars in the northern sky, it was Capella.

After doing a bit of research what fascinated us was that Capella is approximately 42.2 light years away from Earth, meaning the light we see tonight began its journey decades ago.

SubhanAllah! This vast distance is a profound reminder of our small yet meaningful place in the vast universe of Allah Al-Waasi (The All-Vast, The Encompassing).

It also teaches us the value of patience, sabr.
As Capella’s light took years to reach us, so too can our efforts take time to bear the required fruit.
What may seem distant now will, with Allah’s will, come to pass in its perfect time, inshaAllah

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