The beautiful story of Dimad (r.a)
SubhanAllah! Sometimes, I feel like when you teach seerah (biography of the Prophet ﷺ) to your younger ones then actually you are not teaching them but learning so much on your level too.
While reading and teaching seerah of the Prophet ﷺ to my younger one, I came across the beautiful story of Dimad Al-Azdi, about whom I was unaware of.
Dimad was a professional healer from Yemen skilled in treating mental illnesses and spiritual ailments.
When he visited Makkah, he heard the Quraysh (falsely accusing) labelling the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ of being insane.
Out of goodwill, and due to his medical background, Dimad offered to “cure” the Prophet ﷺ.
When Dimad approached him, the Prophet ﷺ listened calmly. Then, instead of defending himself ﷺ or getting angry, the Prophet ﷺ recited the famous opening lines of his ﷺ sermons-
“Indeed, all praise is due to Allah. We praise Him, seek His help, and seek His forgiveness. Whomsoever Allah guides, none can misguide; and whomsoever Allah leaves astray, none can guide. I bear witness that there is no God worthy of worship but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger.”
Hearing these words, Dimad was struck by the wisdom, eloquence, and truth.
He immediately recognized that these were not the words of a madman. Dimad embraced Islam on the spot, may Allah be pleased with him (r.a).
Despite being falsely labelled as insane, the Prophet ﷺ remained calm and composed, allowing the truth to speak for itself.
The Prophet ﷺ treated Dimad (r.a) with dignity and sincerity, even though Dimad (r.a) initially misunderstood him ﷺ
Dimad (r.a) was open to listening and seeking the truth despite what others said. His willingness to consider the Prophet’s ﷺ words led him to Islam, highlighting the value of having an open heart and mind.
The Prophet ﷺ addressed Dimad with wisdom, meeting him where he was intellectually and spiritually. This highlights the importance of tailoring dawah to the listener’s perspective without compromising on haqq.
Dimad (r.a) did not let the slander of the Quraysh cloud his judgment. Instead, he (r.a) judged the Prophet ﷺ by what he (r.a) heard directly from him ﷺ
*This also emphasizes the need to verify information independently. Highlighting another very important lesson for us to verify any information transferred to us, subhanAllah I have seen beautiful marriages, well knitted homes, strong relationships shattering away just because people didn’t communicate directly, investigate properly of the accusations placed upon by those who seek to sow the seed of discord.*
The story of Dimad Al-Azdi (r.a) from the Seerah beautifully also illustrates how even negative propaganda can unintentionally serve a greater purpose, turning into an opportunity for guidance and benefit.
This incident highlights Allah Al-Hakeem’s hikmah (wisdom) in turning the plots of enemies into opportunities for good. The Quraysh intended to damage the Prophet’s ﷺ reputation, but their propaganda led to another person embracing Islam.
SubhanAllah! Challenges can necome opportunities, negative attention or opposition can be used to showcase the truth when handled wisely with composure.
We should rely on Allah’s Plan, even seemingly harmful situations can lead to unexpected benefits when guided by Allah Al-Hakeem’s wisdom.
Indeed! Seerah is such a blessing, you learn and unlearn a lot through it.