Even the burnt out pot can teach us

SubhanAllah! I’ve been scrubbing this burnt pot for hours, putting in so much effort to clean it, knowing well that it was my own negligence that led to this mess. As I take a break in the middle of cleaning, I can’t help but reflect on how this stubborn burn is a powerful reminder of what jealousy and resentment can do to the heart.

It always starts small. A tiny moment of envy, a fleeting comparison,
just like a low flame that seems harmless. But if left unattended, it builds up, spreads, and eventually burns deep, just as food left on high heat turns into a stubborn, charred mess. Over time, layers of burnt residue accumulate, much like unresolved jealousy and bitterness settling in the heart, making it harder and harder to cleanse.

Cleaning a well-maintained pot is easy, but a neglected one requires exhausting effort. The same applies to the heart. If we deal with jealousy and envy early through remembrance of Allah, gratitude, self-reflection, it prevents deep emotional damage. But if we let it sit, it hardens, and no matter how hard we scrub, it won’t come off easily.

Constant comparison is like turning the heat too high. It drains energy, causes burnout, and takes away the joy of living. Instead, just as every dish requires its own time and temperature, every soul has its own journey, rushing or comparing only ruins the process.

And when the burn is deep, scrubbing harder won’t fix it. Just as a burnt pot needs time to soak, a heart weighed down by resentment needs patience, self-reflection, and sometimes even seeking help. The longer we let these emotions sit, the more difficult they are to remove, but with time and care, even the toughest stains can be lifted.

A clean pot cooks better, and a clean heart lives freer. A heart free from jealousy and bitterness can love, grow, and achieve without carrying unnecessary burdens, burdens that can even manifest as physical diseases, yes, you read it right, jealousy can even cause physical diseases. So, keep your heart light, let go of envy, and practice gratitude daily. Don’t let jealousy burn layers into your soul.

Abu Huraira (r.a) reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Beware of jealousy, for it devours good deeds just as fire devours wood or grass.”

Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4903

May Allah Al-Hafeez protect us all from all sharr (evil).
Ameen ya Al-Mujeeb.

SubhanAllah! If we are dealing or dwindling with jealousy then we should really work on it, otherwise the deep layers are really hard to scrub upon, and if we are not in the state of jealousy then we should be really grateful that we have only burnt out pots to clean, and not the hearts.

Now, make du’a for me that this pot gets cleaned faster 😄
